So at first I thought you had to pick one of the following; A2 poster, Mobile Device and Website. I started to create a rough of my infographic for the poster and mentioned it in my last post, but after realising what I had done I started to look in to some mock ups for the other ones I needed to do.
I found a mobile and computer mock up which started like this,

this is what I found online and will use for my final project.
What I will be putting on the mock ups though, I’m not one hundred percent sure yet.
I started to think about what I was going to put on the computer mock up, I was not sure whether to just make a website on there, obviously a child style website with all the bits like the website. But rather than trying to create my own safari I thought as I’m using a mock up already may as well take advantage of it. So I placed a safari website on the computer.

I just changed it a little like took the words out and made the website black to make it look more like a science website, then I started to add a logo and a menu bar which started to look more like a website. The challenging part I then found was how to make sure I show the website is for children, educational, entertaining and show its about the theory of relativity.
So far this is what I have created with just a little play around and is something rough,

For my mac website mock up, I was looking online for websites that are educational, fun and for children. I found websites such as; and both website was full of images and colour. On climate kids there was a little gif butterfly flying across the screen, I already had a similar idea because I used the idea at college when creating a website and having a gif moving across the screen. So I thought about having a gif such as a rocket which will explain the theory to the children, its fun and can help the children remember.